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​The goal of meditation is to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm. It may come as a surprise to learn that you can meditate anywhere and at any time, allowing yourself to access a sense of tranquility and peace no matter what's going on around you. You can learn how to transform your mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, and from unhappy to happy.


A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation as explained below can help you to overcome your stress and find balance in your life.

MBSR Course Meditations

The following two meditations are an important part of the class curriculum. Meditating on your own requires some effort, while guided meditations literally walk you through a meditation and help you find a calm and peaceful state—one step at a time. Try one of these guided meditations, each with a unique theme. 

Body Scan - Terry Haynes

The purpose of this body scan mindfulness exercise is simply to notice your body. It is not necessarily about relaxing your body, however this may occur as a kind of side effect. It is simply about being aware of your body, in this present moment.

Sitting Meditation - Terry Haynes

It helps a to adopt an erect and dignified posture, with your head, neck, and back aligned vertically, while keeping a relaxed body posture so that you can feel relatively comfortable.



This section focuses on some of the meditations that are used when our teachers visit local area schools. Although it has been found to be extremely beneficial to students, anyone of any age can use these as part of their daily mindfulness practice. These meditations are shorter in length but still very effective.


In walking meditation we use the experience of walking as our focus. We become mindful of our experience while walking, and try to keep our awareness involved with the experience of walking.

Check back soon as we continue to update this page with new guided meditations!

Love & Kindness Meditation - Terry Haynes

Loving-kindness meditation focuses on developing feelings of goodwill, kindness, warmth, and compassion towards others. It has no conditions; it does not depend on whether one “deserves” it or not.

Body Scan for Students - Terry Haynes

The purpose of this body scan mindfulness exercise is simply to notice your body. It is not necessarily about relaxing your body, however this may occur as a kind of side effect. It is simply about being aware of your body, in this present moment.

The purpose of the lake meditation is to become grounded and access our inner strength and stability when faced with stressful and challenging circumstances, both internal and external.

Garden Meditation - Terry Haynes
Breath Awareness - Terry Haynes

By focusing on the breath you become aware of the mind’s tendency to jump from one thing to another. The simple discipline of concentration brings us back to the present moment.



Migraine Headache Meditation - Terry Haynes



Sitting Meditation - Terry Haynes
Proud partner of the KOPI Wellness Centre
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